Minggu, 29 April 2012

Let's Us Talk About Cancer

This is a great opportunity for cancer talk, as we all know it is breast cancer awareness month. People from all over the world show their support in various ways for cancer detection, cancer cure and any possible assistance to cancer victims.

James Bicher, MD is a pioneer in the medical industry that has dedicated his whole life in finding the best treatment for breast cancer victims, with the lowest possible side effects a woman can have in order for her to continue her life as a whole human being again, after the treatment. This treatment is called Hyperthermia. Hyperthermia with low dose, fractionated radiation is a combination that has amongst the most successful results in the world in curing cancer!

Hyperthermia is a gentle heat cancer treatment, which raises the blood circulation and improves the oxygenation of the blood. The oxygenation of the cancer cells with the localized Hyperthermia machines makes the tumor more susceptible to destruction and adding low dose radiation makes the tumor shrink and deteriorate. In addition, the low dose radiation is using (IMRT), is targeted, which means it takes the actual shape of the tumor, so it affects only the bad cancer cells and not the healthy tissue around them and therefore does not harm the rest of the body.

Since there is no cutting, burning or poisoning unlike the other usual treatments, the body's immune system remains functional to fight the cancer itself, with the help of Hyperthermia. The side effects of Hyperthermia, compared to the conventional treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, are minimal or none. Women do not need to get disfigured to get rid of the tumor. And getting rid of the tumor does not always get rid of the cancer, which is the reason of recurrence in many cases. Women do not need to suffer the horrific side effects when undergoing chemo, lose their hair, and feel sick during the treatment and weak for the rest of their lives. Nor do they need to harm their body as much as radiation seems to do. There are other better options, which work with the human body for a quick and full recovery. There is Hyperthermia.

It is unfortunate that the option of Hyperthermia combined with low dose radiation is not fully known as all the other standard treatments. It is understood, that a surgeon will recommend surgery, a radiologist will recommend radiation and a physician will generally recommend chemotherapy. But it is extremely saddening that quite a few doctors badmouth any other treatment, outside the standard care. There have been cancer victims stating that their doctors laughed at them, when they inquired an alternative treatment like Hyperthermia, said that this is "bogus" and it won't help them at all, or that have even scared them that they will die, if they tried Hyperthermia. Many of these patients, after they have been treated and cured by Hyperthermia, go back to those same doctors showing them their quick and full recovery. Is the medical industry just monopolized by the old school of thought? Are they just so closed minded to anything new and alternative, closer to a more holistic approach or is it just that they support their treatment so much that, they will not allow those terrified cancer patients take their health in their own hands? Or are there just too greater financial benefits to even mention? This remains a mystery. Cancer is bad enough as it is. We don't need a treatment end up being the cause of deterioration and death, instead of the disease.The wonderful news is that this Hyperthermia Institute has two centers, right in the heart of Los Angeles and of course, the world. Therefore it is accessible to everyone who will go to the best possible place to save their lives.

We only heard recently in the news of an A' class celebrity, battling with throat cancer. Who is being treated with radiation, which is what his primary doctors recommended for him, as his best option. Then days after that, articles were written in magazines and newspapers, joking about the celebrities' children being glad their dad, won't speak too much anymore, as he would lose his voice. Well, the truth of the matter is that he did not have to lose his voice, or lose so much weight, or cut part of his throat, possibly tongue and teeth. He did not have to become so weak or sick or age 10 years older in only 2 months of undergoing "treatment" to become "healthy again". All of this could have been avoided, had he heard of Hyperthermia, which is amongst the best results in throat cancer and with minimal side effects, if any.

This is why the James Bicher, MD, the pioneer in Hyperthermia in Los Angeles has studied, researched and practiced this amazing treatment for almost 30 years now, as he believes in harming the human body as little as possible while fighting cancer. There are many videos all over the internet with patients giving their stories regarding their experience you can watch. The videos on YOUTUBE of cancer survivors that have undergone his treatment, speak for themselves about how effective and beneficial Hyperthermia is as an alternative cancer treatment. Hopefully the world will know more soon.



Breast Self Examination and Screening

Breast Cancer is the most common type of cancer in women in the UK. The numbers affected have risen by 80% in the past 30 years and it is believed that 90% of cases are caused by lifestyle. Five percent of cases are due to genetic factors.

Although breast lumps are quite common, only 10% of them are found to be cancerous. The remainder are usually fluid-filled cysts that mainly affect women in their 40s and 50s, or fibroadenomas which are caused by an over-development of fibrous tissue in women under 30. Neither of these are serious and are easily treated.


Every womans' breasts are different so it is sensible to be aware of what is normal for each individual. It is recommended that all women over 20 should examine their breasts at the same time every month to notice any changes as early as possible. Early detection of a cancerous lump can make a big difference in the treatment, as radical procedures like mastectomy (removal of the breast), radiotherapy and chemotherapy may not always be necessary.

To examine your breasts, you should:

1) Take a look in the mirror with your hands by your side, then raise them above your head looking for unusual dimpling or puckering of the skin.

2) Notice the shape of each breast and see if there is any difference in size or any change in the nipples eg. bleeding, discharge or inversion of the nipple.

3) Lay on a bed or in the bath, and run wet, soapy fingers over your breast and under your armpit. Breasts are naturally lumpy, so by checking regularly, you will be able to spot anything new.

Many women find self examination quite difficult or even intimidating which means that they do not check their breasts regularly. However, a new medical device is helping to change that. Called the Breast Chek, it consists of a layer of oil between two sheets of polyurethane. When placed over each breast, any lump that may be present is magnified and detected much earlier than normal. (see )


In the UK, a screening program for breast cancer is offered to all women between 50 and 70. This includes three-yearly mammograms, a special type of x-ray that can detect abnormal lumps. This can be quite uncomfortable, even painful to some, so not all women take up the offer. There have also been some concerns about the regular exposure to radiation from mammograms and the potential trauma caused by breast compression.

Another method, which is totally painless and risk-free, is thermography (thermal imaging). This has been proven to detect cancer risk as early as 6 to 10 years before a lump may be felt. As a tumor starts to develop, it requires a good blood supply which raises the temperature in that area and this is detected through thermal imaging. Studies have shown that 91% of non-palpable lumps can be detected with thermography, which is higher than with a mammogram. Currently, only a few private clinics in the UK offer thermal imaging.

Although women are mostly affected by breast cancer, an increasing number of men are being diagnosed at a rate of around 300 a year. So, anyone who finds an abnormal lump or change in the breasts, should consult a doctor as soon as possible.



Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Fish Oil Might be Key in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Fish oil has been widely recognized in the world of nutrition as a powerhouse in maintaining good health, and a crucial part of any well balanced diet. Millions of people take fish oil pills for various ailments including arthritis and depression, however recent exciting research has shown that fish oils also serve an important preventive role, most notably in the fight against breast cancer.

Studies have shown that postmenopausal women who consumed fish oil had significantly less cases of breast cancer than women who didn't take fish oil. The most comprehensive study conducted thus far found that women who took fish oil over an extended period were over 30% less likely to develop the terrible disease. Although studies have tested many different supplements in an effort to find a link to breast cancer reduction, so far only fish oil has shown any positive result.

However it is important to understand that nothing is conclusive yet, scientific studies rarely are, but there is considerably evidence to think that fish oil has a special role to play in disease prevention, with breast cancer in particular. However scientists and nutritionists do not necessarily recommend that you start taking fish oil pills because the crucial fatty acids and other nutrients contained in the oil can also be obtained through a well balanced and healthy diet. Naturally, including fish in your diet would be the best solution to obtaining the nutritional benefits of fish oil, especially fish which are high up on the food chain. Fish which have eaten smaller fish will have the best kinds of fatty acids because they have been digested by so many fish before them.

It isn't currently clear how exactly fish oil may be able to prevent breast cancer, but scientists believe it is certainly possible. The key to fish oil is in the unsaturated fatty acids which are thought to reduce inflammation. Since inflammation is partly responsible for heart disease and certain forms of cancer, the potential link between the two is clear. Fish oil is also thought to reduce blood pressure and triglycerides.

Further research will certainly be required to hammer out the details and verify the effectiveness of fish oil, but so far it does look promising. However since fish oil is already known to be very healthy in many ways, there is no reason not to include more fish in your diet anyway, whether its cancer preventing qualities ultimately pan out or not.



Women With Gum Disease And Missing Teeth More Likely To Develop Breast Cancer

The results of a study by the Karolinska Institute in Sweden published in the October 2010 issue of the breast cancer Research and Treatment Journal indicate that those who have gum disease and have lost teeth are 11 times more likely compared with others, to develop breast cancer.

The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the association between gum disease and the incidence of breast cancer in a group of over 3000 subjects aged between 30-40 years at the beginning of the study conducted between 1985 and 2001.

Results showed that chronic gum disease as indicated by missing molars seemed to associate statistically with breast cancer. Out of the 41 people who developed breast cancer, those with gum disease and loss of teeth were 11 times more likely to develop cancer.

According to the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), around 75 percent of adults in the United States are affected by some form of gum disease, ranging from mild cases of gingivitis to its more severe form, periodontitis. To make matters worse, recent research by AAP and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) suggest that gum disease prevalence in the US may have been underestimated by as much as 50 percent. In contrast, the rates for adult populations in most industrialized countries range between an estimated 15 to 35 percent.

Good news is that the inflammation caused by infections is an important preventable cause of human cancers. Gum disease happens as a result of complex interactions between the body's defense mechanism and bacterial and viral activity. It begins when a biofilm of bacteria on the teeth sets of an immune-inflammatory response in the tissue nearby. Chronic infection and inflammation eventually destroy the bone tissue surrounding the teeth. Gum disease may take decades to develop, and ultimately results in tooth loss.

British Dental Health Foundation also weighs in on the link between gum disease, tooth loss and breast cancer and the importance of gum disease prevention.

Little things such as daily brushing and flossing, regular dental cleaning and adding nuts and fish to your diet go a long way towards prevention.

You can find more about gum disease in Dental & Oral Health Problems>Gum Disease on FreeDentistFinder.com.



Breast Cancer in India At Mumbai and Delhi at Low price - Health

Breast Cancer in India At Mumbai and Delhi at Low price

What is Breast Cancer?

The term breast cancer refers to a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast. The breast is composed of two main types of tissues: glandular tissues and stromal (supporting) tissues. Glandular tissues house the milk-producing glands (lobules) and the ducts (the milk passages) while stromal tissues include fatty and fibrous connective tissues of the breast. The breast is also made up of lymphatic tissue-immune system tissue that removes cellular fluids and waste.

There are several types of tumors that may develop within different areas of the breast. Most tumors are the result of benign (non-cancerous) changes within the breast. For example, fibrocystic change is a non-cancerous condition in which women develop cysts (accumulated packets of fluid), fibrosis (formation of scar-like connective tissue), lumpiness, areas of thickening, tenderness, or breast pain.

Breast Cancer Risk factors

A risk factor is anything that makes it more likely you'll get a particular disease. Some risk factors, such as your age, sex and family history, can't be changed, whereas others, including weight, smoking and a poor diet, are under your control. Other factors that may make you more susceptible to breast cancer include : -

1. Age : - Your chances of developing breast cancer increase with age. Close to 80 percent of breast cancers occur in women older than age 50. In your 30s, you have a one in 233 chance of developing breast cancer. By age 85, your chance is one in eight. 2. A personal history of breast cancer : - If you've had breast cancer in one breast, you have an increased risk of developing cancer in the other breast. 3. Family history : - If you have a mother, sister or daughter with breast or ovarian cancer or both, or a male relative with breast cancer, you have a greater chance of also developing breast cancer4. Genetic predisposition : - Between 5 percent and 10 percent of breast cancers are inherited. 5. Radiation exposure : - If you received radiation treatments to your chest as a child or young adult, you're more likely to develop breast cancer later in life. Your risk is greatest if you received radiation as an ado lescent during breast development. 6. Excess weight : - The relationship between excess weight and breast cancer is complex. In general, weighing more than is healthy increases your risk, particularly if you gained the weight as an adolescent. But risk is even greater if you put the weight on after menopause. Your risk also is greater if you have more body fat in the upper part of your body. 7. Early onset of menstrual cycles : - If you got your period at a young age, especially before age 12, you may have a greater likelihood of developing breast cancer. Experts attribute this risk to the early exposure of the breast tissue to estrogen. 8. Late menopause : - If you enter menopause after age 55, you're more likely to develop breast cancer. Experts attribute this to the prolonged exposure of the breast tissue to estrogen. 9. First pregnancy at older age : - If your first full-term pregnancy occurs after age 30, or you never become pregnant, you have a greater chance of develo ping breast cancer. Although it's not entirely clear why, an early first pregnancy may protect breast tissue from developing genetic mutations that result from estrogen exposure. 10. Race : - White women are more likely to develop breast cancer than black11. Hormone therapy : - Treating menopausal symptoms with the hormone combination of estrogen and progesterone for four or more years increases your risk of breast cancer.12. Birth control pills : - Use of birth control pills is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women. The risk seems to be greater for women who use birth control pills for four or more years before their first full-term pregnancy.13. Smoking : - Evidence is mixed on the relationship between smoking and breast cancer risk. Some studies show no link between cigarette smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke and breast cancer.14. Excessive use of alcohol : - Women who drink more than one alcoholic beverage a day have about a 20 percent greater risk of breast cancer than do women who don't drink. To reduce your breast cancer risk, limit alcohol to no more than one drink daily.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Early breast cancer usually does not cause pain. In fact, when it first develops, breast cancer may cause no symptoms at all. But as the cancer grows, it can cause these changes: 1. a lump or thickening in the breast or armpit 2. a change in the size or shape of the breast 3. discharge from the nipple 4. A change in the color or texture of the skin of the breast or areola (such as dimpling, puckering, or scaliness).

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Treatment decisions depend on these findings. The first step in the work-up of breast disease is usually a physical exam by a doctor or nurse practitioner. Mammography and ultrasound may be important additions to the physical examination. On the basis of these evaluations, the decision may be made to confirm a clinical impression with a tissue biopsy.

Imaging for Breast Cancer : - Imaging is an important component used to diagnose breast cancer and to evaluate the stage and extent of disease in breast cancer patients

Screening Mammography : - A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray of the breast. This is the best test we have to screen women for breast cancer. A Screening Mammogram consists of two "pictures" of each breast. If an area on the mammogram looks suspicious or is not clear, additional mammograms with different views may be needed. Annual screening mammography is recommended for all women over 40 years old.

Diagnostic Mammography : -This is a mammogram used for problem-solving, rather than for screening. For instance, if a patient has a lump in her breast, a directed investigation of that area is performed. This is also done when a particular finding in the breast is being followed over time. A diagnostic mammogram is tailored to the patient's case and is carefully monitored by a radiologist, who interprets the images and determines whether there is any need for further tests.

Ultrasonography : -Using high-frequency sound waves, ultrasonography can often show whether a lump is solid or filled with fluid. This exam may be used along with Diagnostic Mammography or MRI to answer questions about a specific area of the breast. Because it uses sound waves instead of X-Rays, ultrasound provides information that is different and often complementary to the mammogram.

Breast MRI : -Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to look specifically at the breast. Each exam produces hundreds of images of the breast, cross-sectional in all three directions (side-to-side, top-to-bottom, front-to-back), which are then read by a radiologist. It is non-invasive and no radioactivity is involved. The technique is believed to have no health hazards in general.

Biopsy for Breast Cancer

One way to find out if a breast lump or abnormal tissue is cancer is by having a biopsy. During a biopsy, a surgeon, a pathologist or a radiologist removes a portion or all of the suspicious tissue. The suspicious tissue is examined under a microscope by a pathologist who checks for cancer cells and makes the diagnosis. The following are different types of biopsies as well as how you can best prepare yourself for each of them. The following are different types of biopsies.

Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Biopsy : - FNA samples a woman's lump using a thin small needle that leaves a mark no bigger than a needle stick from a blood test. FNA often allows us to diagnose a lump within two to three days

Stereotactic Core Biopsy : - This procedure was developed as a less invasive way to obtain tissue samples for diagnosis. It involves removing tissue with a biopsy needle while your breast is compressed in a way similar to a mammogram. This biopsy requires less recovery time than surgery and causes no significant scarring

Needle (Wire) Localization Biopsy : - This type of biopsy involves the use of a needle and wire to locate the abnormal tissue and surgery to remove it. Needle localization is performed when you have an abnormality on a mammogram that cannot be felt. It is an outpatient biopsy that is done in two steps on the same day.

Treatment of a Breast Cancer in India

Mastectomy in India Mastectomy is the surgical removal of a breast. Surgery is presently the most common treatment for breast cancer. Following mastectomy, immediate or delayed breast reconstruction is possible in many instances.

Types of Mastectomy

There are several different types of surgical procedures used to treat breast cancer. Depending on the location or surgeon who performs the procedure, different terms may be used. Surgical procedures for breast cancer include : - Simple or total mastectomy: removal of the breast, with its skin and nipple, but no lymph nodes. In some cases, a separate sentinel node biopsy is performed to remove only the first one to three axillary (armpit) lymph nodes. Modified radical mastectomy: removal of the entire breast, nipple/areolar region, and often the axillary lymph nodes. This is the most common form of mastectomy performed today. Radical mastectomy: removal of the entire breast, nipple/areolar region, the pectoral (chest) major and minor muscles, and lymph nodes. This procedure is rarely performed today. Quandrantectomy: removal of a quarter of the breast, including the skin and breast fascia (connective tissues). The surgeon may also perform a separate procedure to remove som e or all of the axillary (armpit) lymph nodes, either an axillary node dissection or a sentinel node biopsy. Partial or segmental mastectomy: removal of a portion of the breast tissue and a margin of normal breast tissue. This procedure usually involves removing less tissue than a quandrantectomy but more than a lumpectomy or wide excision. Lumpectomy or wide excision: removal of the breast cancer tumor and a surrounding margin of normal breast tissue. Excisional biopsy also the removal of the breast tumor and a surrounding margin of normal breast tissue. Sometimes further surgery is not needed if an excisional biopsy successfully removes the entire breast cancer tumor. This is most likely to occur if the breast tumor is very small. An excisional biopsy may be performed with "needle" or "wire" localization.

In the past, radical mastectomy was the frequently performed on women with breast cancer. However, experts have found that modified radical mastectomy is equally effective in most cases, and therefore, it has become the most common type procedure for removing the entire breast. [ Radical Mastectomy ] [ Modified Radical Mastectomy ][ Simple (total) Mastectomy ] [ Partial Mastectomy ]

Axillary Node Dissection in India

Axillary node dissection, the surgical removal of the axillary (armpit) lymph nodes, is usually performed on patients with invasive cancers. A radical mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, or lumpectomy operation often includes axillary node dissection (this involves a separate incision for lumpectomy patients). After surgery, the axillary lymph nodes are examined under a microscope to determine whether the cancer has spread past the breast and to evaluate treatment options.

The most common side effect of axillary node dissection is lymphedema: chronic swelling of the arm. Approximately 10% to 20% of patients typically experience lymphedema when axillary node dissection is combined with radiation therapy. Patients are encouraged to report any tightness or swelling of the arm to their physicians as soon as symptoms occur to prevent possible long-term suffering. Other side effects of axillary node dissection include temporary to permanent limitations of arm and shoulder movement and numbness in the upper-arm skin. Side effects of axillary node dissection : -

lymphedema (swelling of the arm). limitations of arm/shoulder movement. numbness of upper-arm skin.Please log on to :

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Breast Implant Size Choice For Your Breast Reconstruction

Breast cancer affects hundreds of thousands of women every year. For those who are fortunate enough to survive it, the consequences of the disease, like the absence of one or both breasts, can be uncomfortable and confidence-reducing. Fortunately, most cancer survivors can take advantage of breast reconstruction afterwards to give them back a semblance of the chest they once had.

Breast Reconstruction

This cosmetic surgery includes rebuilding one or both breasts to recreate a more natural look. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were over 57,000 reconstruction procedures in 2007, and the number is likely to grow as the procedure develops and the results continue to improve. Ideally, this reconstruction can take place at immediately after mastectomy.

This means you will never be left without a bust, even though the recreated one will never have the same sensitivity and feeling. The plastic surgeon will take some tissue from the patient's body, usually from the stomach, back or buttocks, and shape it into a small mound that will go underneath the chest skin. If tissue is not plentiful enough, or if the patient chooses otherwise, implants can be inserted under the skin as well to give the look of a fuller bust.

These implants can be filled with either saline or silicone gel. Both are now deemed safe for implantation again. Sometimes a nipple can be added to the breast during the initial surgery, but sometimes that will take place later.

The Right Size

Trying to figure out the right size is an important issue whether you are having a reconstructed bust or even if you are just getting implants for personal preference. In general, it is wise to choose and implant size that will create breasts that are well proportioned to the rest of your body.

That being said, your choices may be somewhat limited after a mastectomy simply because there may not be a lot of skin left on your chest and it may not be as elastic as it was before the surgery.

Your plastic surgeon will be able to point out to you which implant sizes will fit well within your chest. Because of the limitations, the implant size you choose may be smaller than your ideal, but hopefully it will still be much more satisfying than having no boobs at all. It is often possible to have surgery later, after the tissue and skin has healed well, to go back in and enlarge your implant sizes.

It just depends on your individual circumstance and the amount of breast tissue and skin that was saved during your mastectomy. Choosing the right breast implant sizes is the key to getting back your best look. Choose a good surgeon to guide you through the process.



Prepare for Breast Cancer Awareness Month by throwing a pink party

September 17, 2010 Written by: Tyna Lewis

October is breast cancer Awareness Month, and the signature color of the movement is pink. As many individuals prepare to host fundraising and charity events for the cause, why not hold your very own pink party to honor those who have beat the disease and also shed light on the research that is being done to find a cure.

Luckily, there are countless pinkdecorations and items available to throw the perfect pink party during breast cancer Awareness Month, and the best part is that these products may be reused for other events like a sweet 16 orbachelorette party, which can help to go along with the current trend of being green and environmentally friendly.

Start by sending out personalizedinvitations on light pink stationary or cards. Encourage guests to wear all pink and white to the party as well. You may also try sending invitations that have the signature pink ribbon of the breast cancer movement on it. If doing a charity tie-in, don't forget to tell your friends beforehand so that they don't show up without knowing they'll be making a small donation.

A Breast Cancer Awareness pink party can be either a large or small gathering, but you should always make sure to have enough paper goods for your partygoers. Pink paper plates, tableware, napkins and cups come in a variety of shapes and sizes and also go along with the party theme. They're also perfect if you're serving pink ribbon cookies, cupcakes and cottoncandy flavored drinks.

As far as decorations are concerned, don't be afraid to go big and bright with your pink selections. Hang a large personalized banner welcoming your partygoers to an inspiring and fun event. You can decorate with balloons and streamers in a variety of shades of pink and even incorporate larger balloons with pink ribbons on them. Try hanging wall decorations and tea lights in the shape of pink ribbons around your venue to liven up the atmosphere. Additionally, handing out pink featherboas,leis and wrist bands to your guests as party favors can be a nice touch.

You can also create gift bags for your guests to take away from the breast cancer pink party, and include pink ribbons, personalized pinkpens and several other thoughtful mementos to remind them of the great party they have attended and what a great cause they were supporting.

A pink party is perfect for several occasions, but is especially poignant during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Every year thousands of women across the U.S. are battling the disease, and every party and fundraiser held helps raise money to bring us one step closer to finding a cure. Hosting your very own pink party is a way to bring a community together and celebrate life while rallying around an amazing cause. Of course, any excuse to transform a venue into a pink wonderland is enough for some people, and with so many different shades of pink, you'll never feel like you can't switch up the look and introduce more muted tones or fluorescent hues.



You Don't Have to Have a Lump to Have Breast Cancer

What? What are you talking about? What about those self-breast exams I do regularly every month? And my yearly mammogram, what about that?! I feel fine, except for my breast is itchy and hot. I must have an infection. Or a bug bite. I do a lot of stuff outside. Cancer? Of course it's not cancer. There's no lump.

What do you mean, there's more than one kind of breast cancer? I can have breast cancer without any lump? Nobody ever told me that! Why not?

Why not? That's a question women all over the world are asking when their doctors tell them they have Inflammatory Breast Cancer, or IBC.

IBC is not a newly discovered type of cancer. it's been there all along. It's just that the push has been to get women checking for lumps, which is good and needs to be done, but that's tended to sideline the other forms of breast cancer that don't have lumps involved, like IBC.

Out of all breast cancer cases, about 6% of people have IBC. But, out of all the deaths from breast cancer, about 25% of people who die have IBC. So, it's rare in terms of total number of cases, but not so rare in terms of total number of deaths.

IBC is extremely aggressive and fast moving. All cases of IBC are stage IIIb (locally advanced) or stage IV (advanced, spread to other organs) when diagnosed. IBC strikes younger women, rather than older women. Sometimes it's noticed in pregnancy or when nursing a baby. A lot of times it's "written off" as mastitis or something relatively mundane. African American women tend to get IBC more than Caucasian women.

If you notice anything out of the ordinary with your breast, get it checked out. Don't wait. Some things to watch out for are redness, swelling, itchiness or warmth of the breast. Skin may be dimpled like an orange peel, the nipple may be inverted. The breast may be sore, ache, burn or feel heavy. Don't take a chance with your health. Get anything you are suspicious of checked out by your doctor. If you are not better within a week, ask to see a specialist.

For more information on IBC visit the IBC Research Foundation at

Standard Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with a medical professional.



Jumat, 27 April 2012

Can You Find Foods That Prevent Breast Cancer? (And What Are They)?

Breast cancer is contracted by more women in the US than any other cancer. It is estimated that around 50,000 women will die each year from it. So the question how can you prevent breast cancer is one close to the heart of many women.

It has long been known that certain foods, or that a diet in general, can have an impact on our health, and so for that reason there has been study undertaken on foods to prevent breast cancer, as well as other cancers.

And whilst there may well be a whole range of lifestyle factors which may combine to affect our health, today our brief is to look at foods that prevent breast cancer, or at least help prevent it.

A study published in September of this year in the International Journal of Cancer examines the role of the essential fatty acids in preventing cancer of the breasts.

Around 72,000 Chinese women were followed for a period of 8 years to collect the data for the study.

The conclusion was that women with a high intake of Omega 6 fatty acids, and a low intake of Omega 3 fatty acids, were roughly twice as likely to contract breast cancer as those with a low intake of Omega 6 fats and a higher intake of Omega3 fats.

Omega 6 fats come primarily from vegetable oils in our diet. These are the cheap and plentiful vegetable oils that are found in our pantry for cooking as well as in much of our processed foods.

Omega 3 fats come primarily from seafood and in particular from the oil in fish.

Over the last century our Omega 6/Omega 3 ratio, or the ratio of our intake of each of these fatty acids, has seen a huge increase, resulting from the fact that our diet has seen a massive increase in cheap vegetable oils and a massive decrease in seafood and in particular oily fish.

And scientists have long considered that this change in the ratio is the cause, or at least a contributing factor, in a range of lifestyle diseases.

And it now seems, from the results of the study, that Omega 3 essential fatty acids could be essential foods that prevent breast cancer, when taken in conjunction with a reduction in the intake of various vegetable oils.

The question of how to prevent breast cancer is a complex one, and this is probably only one part of the equation. But it seems clear, not just in regard to this cancer, but for cancer generally, that there are certain foods which, if eaten in greater quantities, can help prevent cancer, and others which should be reduced in the diet.

The best way to increase your intake of the Omega 3 essential fatty acids is to take daily fish oil supplements. High quality fish oil supplements are very cost-effective to take daily and are free from the toxic contaminants commonly found in fish, including dioxins and PCBs.

But not all fish oil supplements are high quality.

To find out more about foods to prevent breast cancer, or to learn more about high quality fish oil supplements visit my website.



The Most Prevalent Errors Made By Physicians That Delay The Diagnosis Of Breast Cancer

Situations involving the delayed diagnosis of breast cancer typically involve one of two medical mistakes - failing to order diagnostic tests to rule out cancer when a lump is felt in the breast and incorrectly interpreting a mammogram. Should a physician make either of these mistakes and in doing so holds up the detection of the cancer until it reaches an advanced stage, the woman might have a lawsuit for medical malpractice. The first most common error made by physicians is not to order a diagnostic test in the event that a woman says that she discovered a lump while doing a self-conducted breast examination or the doctor detects the lump while performing a routine clinical breast examination. Some doctors will assure the woman that this is just a benign cyst, especially if the patient is under 40 and does not have a of breast cancer in her family.
Yet, while most new cases of breast cancer occur in females older than fifty, younger women can, and are, diagnosed with breast cancer daily. Additionally, a physician cannot determine, based on a clinical breast examination, whether a lump in the breast is a benign cyst or is cancer. Because of this , a doctor ought to order diagnostic testing so as to determine if the mass is cancerous. Diagnostic tests the doctor can order include a mammogram, a biopsy or an aspiration.

In case the patient does indeed have have breast cancer, the failure to follow up with diagnostic testing can result in the metastasis of the cancer.

The other most likely mistake made by physicians is to misread a mammogram. Doctors use mammograms to check the breast for abnormalities that might be due to cancer. The mammogram produces images of the inside of the breast with low dose x-rays of the patients compressed breast. The resulting images are then examined by physicians for the existence of any structures or changes that could be cancerous. But, doctors in some cases overlook what is literally in front of them. At times physicians miss an abnormal structure or change that appears in the mammogram. In some other cases, doctors incorrectly diagnose an abnormality as not cancerous without recommending any diagnostic examination like a biopsy to rule out cancer.

Either of the errors described above can produce a delay in the detection of the woman's cancer. The longer the detection of breast cancer is delayed, the more likely it is that the cancer will spread and reach an advanced stage. When the cancer becomes advanced, the treatment possibilities for the woman are more restricted. Furthermore, the woman's 5-year survival rate, the probability that she will be alive at least five years after her diagnosis, even with treatment, diminishes considerably.

At Stage III, it is approximately 55%. By Stage IV, it can be as low as 20%. Had the cancer been detected early, the 5-year survival rate would have been over 80 percent, potentially even above ninety five percent if it had been diagnosed early enough.

Medical errors can lead to terrible effects. This is particularly so for patients with cancer. Any hold up to the detection of the cancer might lead to the loss of the breast, limited treatment possibilities, and in some cases, can be fatal. Under such circumstances, errors like the ones discussed in this article might constitute medical malpractice.



Women at risk of breast cancer fare better with early mammography

Women ages 30-39 with a known risk of breast cancer, like heredity, may benefit from early mammogram screening, according to a new study presented Friday (Dec.10,2010) at the 33rd Annual San Antonio breast cancer Symposium in San Antonio, Texas.

Starting screenings sooner tended to find the cancer in an early stage, resulting in more breast cancer survivors.

The American Cancer society recommends all women start mammogram screenings at age 40.

Researchers conducted an 18-year study that started in 1990. They looked at all female breast cancer patients aged 21 to 39 in a community center, whose disease was biopsy confirmed as stage 0-4.

The researchers grouped patients based on how the disease was detected - by patients, physicians or mammogram screening.

The majority of the cases, 81 percent, were first found by patients themselves, seven percent by physicians, and 12 percent by mammogram screening.

Mammogram screening detected most cases, 26%, in the 30 to 34 year-old age group.

In the 35-39 year-old age group, mammograms detected 65 percent.

Technology is better than touch it seems when cancer is barely beginning.

The researchers found mammography discovered 31 percent of cases of stage 0 breast cancer, as compared to just 2.5 percent found by manual patient or physican exams.

The study was sponsored by the Kaplan Cancer Research Fund and led by Health-stat Consulting in Seattle, WA and the Swedish Cancer Institute.

Does getting a false-positive mammogram result boost your breast cancer risk within the next 2 years?

Yes say results of a new Danish study involving 60,000 women participating in the Copenhagen Mammography program, which was presented at the 33rd Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium in San Antonio, Texas.

The program invited women ages 50 to 69 to receive a mammogram every two years.

Women who had a false positive diagnosis were 73 percent more likely to develop breast cancer before they received their next mammogram screening.

They were 33 percent more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer over the next 17 years, compared with those who did not have false positives, the study found.

Why? Researchers said benign lesions may turn malignant after a false-positive diagnosis, according to WebMD.

Women who were falsely diagnosed with breast cancer were often subject to other invasive diagnosis procedures such as biopsy, which in itself can cause harm to the breast tissue.

Is the radiation from mammograms causing cancer?

The breast cancer screening used today has already been known to boost breast cancer risk.

Dr. Samuel S. Epstein, professor emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at the University of IllinoisSchool of Public Health says on his website preventcancer.com that postmenopausal women who undergo annual screening for a ten-year period would receive exposure to about 10 rads of radiation for each breast.

According to Dr. Epstein, each rad results in one cancer case in every 100 premenstrual women. A woman with exposure to 10 rads or receiving 10 screenings in 10 years would have a 10 percent risk of developing breast cancer, or 10 percent of women would develop the disease.

The radiation-induced breast cancer accounts for 20 percent of all breast cancers annually in the United States, according to Dr. Epstein.



11 Tip Of About What To Eat For You Can Prevent Breast Cancer More?

Breast cancer is the malignant tumor Female patients is the most common, it is a threat to womens health the first killer. Modern medicine generally believed that breast cancer may be due to excessive secretion of estrogen, Stimulation of mammary ductal epithelial cells caused by excessive proliferation. Excessive intake of fatty foods or are postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy may increase the risk of breast cancer. it shows that Good eating habits can prevent breast cancer. Therefore, prevention of disease from the roots, So what foods to eat to prevent breast cancer?
1,Enjoy significantly more fruits. They lead potent antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber.
2,Enjoy significantly more vegetables. They lead other potent antioxidants, phytochemicals and so they also lead fiber.
3,Work a Carotenoid-rich foods into your week (cantaloupe, mango, beet greens, butternut squash, chili peppers, dandelion greens, dock/sorrel greens, hubbard squash, kale, mustard greens, pumpkin, spinach, fairly sweet potato, swiis chard, turnip greens, winter months squash, and yams).
4,Eat significantly more fiber, in particular from full grains. Phytochemicals found in full grains happen to be found to diminish danger of boob and colorectal cancers in compagnon studies.
5,Keep fat, saturated fat, and compagnon unwanted weight moderate. research workers are nevertheless attempting to determine if and just how the quantity of unwanted weight (as good since the varieties of fat) within our foods changes our danger for boob cancer. effects from compagnon research have proposed the chance the fact that amount and variety of unwanted weight we partake of could inspire or discourage particular boob tumors.
6,Switch to monounsaturated fats. analysis continues to be displaying that monounsaturated oils, for example olive and canola oil, dont have a lot of cancer-promoting outcomes (Journal of this north american Dietetic Association, 97:16, 1997).
7,Drink small or no alcohol. a minimal of fifty research display that alcoholic beverages may likely play a part in boob tumor risk.
8,Emphasize wide range in foods choices. consuming numerous foodstuff will give a lot of diverse nutritional vitamins and beneficial phytochemicals.
9,Try to preserve additional extra fat away when you age. A Harvard University analyze confirmed that women who gained 44 to 55 lbs right after get older eighteen acquired very nearly double the danger of establishing boob tumor pursuing menopause, in contrast with women who acquired gained only a few of pounds.
10,Get bitten through the physical fitness bug! (or)
11,Try to physical exercise a minimal of 4 hrs a weekeven if it will be just walking. Some research have found a decreased danger of boob tumor amongst women who physical exercise consistently or who have been athletic as adolescents.



Kamis, 26 April 2012

The Mortality Of Regular Cancers

We know cancer take place all over the word, while due to different conditions, different ways of life and different cultures in different countries, cancers' incidence morbidity and familiar cancers kinds are unlike. In China, the main cancers are esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer and NPC, lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, leukemia.

Carcinoma of esophagus: In our country, there are many people suffer from carcinoma of esophagus, and death rate is very high. According to the investigation in China in the 1970s, the total mortality stay the second, followed the stomach esophagus. From the 1980s, carcinoma of esophagus was the second killer in male and the third in female. In the early 1990s, in all sorts of cancers, esophagus mortality declined, but still relied on the top 3-4. In our country; esophageal cancer has a certain distribution. Generally speaking, the incidence of farmer is higher than city.

Stomach cancer: In the past, the stomach deaths stay the top one. In 1990s in the city was the second, but in the rural still ranks first. The incidence of a disease rise with the age, and did not change a lot.

Colorectal cancer incidence and mortality in China present an upward trend. In nationwide, it is in four to six of the most common cancer. It is rated to the environment and living habits.

Liver cancer: It is a high death disease in our country. In all cancers mortality, liver cancer rank the third, 11 million deaths every year.

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: The south area is the high infection region, for example, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan and so on. Morbidity decreased along the south to north. Generally speaking, male is easier than female.

Lung cancers: is the most common cancers. The death rate is becoming bigger and bigger. According to the experts prediction, lung cancer is connected with the bad living habits. What's more; lung cancer can be resulted in the smoking. You smoke how much or how long, you will get how many dangers.

Breast cancer: morbidity in our country is very low, but in recent years, breast cancer incidence is increasing. The morbidity of women is nine times more than men. In Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and the coastal areas in China, breast cancer occurs more frequently. Mortality rate increased with age.

In Gynecologic Cancers, cervical cancer can be say the first cancer and the mortality is very high. In our country, the age at onset is usually late, average 65 years old. The death rate is once the forth.

Leukemia is one of the most common cancers in hemopoietic system. The morbidity ranked the 5 percent in all the cancers, and usually is teen-agers.



Techniques to Enlarge Breasts

Every woman prefers to get a perfect breast for herself. And providing to that innate desire, there are quite a few traditional and non-traditional methods that help to increase the size of breasts. Below are breast enlarging techniques.

One of the easiest and most popular of natural breast enlargement techniques is to take herbal supplements that contain phytoestrogens. These are recognize or known to have similar function and composition as human estrogen. They rouse fatty tissue to activity, sometimes leading to enhancement of the breast in women. Such herbal supplements can be found in form of creams, gels, sprays or lotions.

Massages to enhance the breast are not just known to tone the breast's ligaments but they also aid to get rid of toxins that assemble in that region. These can easily be carried by yourself or by a professional masseuse in a private setting. If you do it steady and with adeqaute movements, this may lead to your desired enlargement in no time. With breast firming exercises, fatty tissue of the breast, the tissue right above the pectoral, gets toned.

We have four kinds of breast augmentation surgery. In the inframammary technique, implants are put into the fold below the pectoral where the chest wall meets the breast. In the transaxillary technique, implants are placed through almost unperceivable incisions made in the outer upper breast region near the armpits. In the transumbillical breast augmentation system, an implant is enclosed through a surgical incision in the navel. It is then moved to the breast area with the aid of a camera scope. The inframammary, transumbillical and transaxillary techniques result to no scars and do not impact the glandular tissue or nerves, or milk production capability. In the periareolar technique, the physician makes a cut around the areola and inserts the implant there to preclude scarring. Because of the location of the implant this method is known to come with harms or damages to ducts, glands and nerves along with damage in milk production.

The best or easiest, most hassle-free method to make your breasts appear lager is to wear padded brassieres. Modern varieties of these come with customized great fits that lend proper support to your breast, while making them seem fuller. If the brassiere still does not give you the results you want, purchase some bra pads. Bra pads are commonly made from foam or silicone and come in different sizes. Many brassieres come with special pockets where you can insert them, but you can also place them in the brassieres cup, under your breasts.

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Tips to Get Breast Cancer Information and Controversy - Health - Cancer

The breast cancer Possibility

There are so many risk factors that could be potential in women, and the possibility is 1 : 8. This means for every 8 women you know, one of those affected by cancer in their lifetime. So what causes cancer and what we can do to help prevent this?

Explanation of Breast Cancer

Occurs when certain cells in the breast tissue divides by uncontrolled way of growth and destroy the surrounding tissue, cancer cells can then spread to the lymph glands and other organs where they grow and spread with the same destructive manner. This is not a normal growth that is required for the function of the body, in the case of breast tissue; researchers continue to look for a variety of factors that can affect the onset breast cancer. They feel that basically things happen to DNA or genes causing cells factors that normally control growth. This could be a congenital genetic mutation; also can be due to age, exposure to radiation at a young age, or any of other lifestyle issues.

The Speculation about Obesity

There are many causes of breast cancer, but one of the risk factors that have been developed and rather controversial is obesity. There are statistics from the Research Center informed that 25-30% can be prevented by maintaining body mass. Epidemiologists also noticed that type of cancer is increasing, but they speculated that our genes are basically the same over the past many decades.

The Fat and Estrogen Hormone

So what the fat do to the breast cancer? Fat cells growing later tend to keep estrogen, so the more fat there is the more estrogen in breast tissue. It is known that estrogen was the fuel for breast cancer, this can cause an increased risk of some research by 60%. It is recommended by the American Cancer Society for 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week to lower the risk of cancer. It is also recommended that women to maintain or even increase muscle mass to reduce the formation of fat cells. As mentioned above, the risk factor remains controversial and is not easy to prove it. Should be noted, that the risk of cancer appears to occur when the weight increase and then supported by a young age not to mention. This is most likely due to the fact that the weight and menopause can make visceral fat which is hormonally more active than subcutaneous fat.

What are the other risk factors for Breast Cancer?

Gender- Women means an increased amount of estrogen

Age- 2/3 of breast cancer occurs after the age of 55; 1/8 of breast cancer occurring under age 45. Age affects genes that regulate the function of our body, getting old then more possible errors in the genetic code that is going to happen.

Genetic factors- Many women believe that if nobody in the family they have breast cancer; they are not likely to get it. But the facts say that breast cancer sufferers who inherited genetic mutations such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 only 5-10%.

Family history- Having a first degree relative (mother, sister, and daughter) with breast cancer increases two times risk. It is estimated that 20-30% of women with breast cancer have a positive family history.

Prior history of breast cancer- The risk of development of breast cancer in another breast and that is not considered as a development of the earlier breast cancer.

Race and ethnicity- Rates of breast cancer in white women over African American women, but African American women are more likely to die of cancer because they tend to get more aggressive type of breast cancer. Asian, Hispanic and Native American women have lower levels of mortality and risk of breast cancer.

The density of the breast tissue- Making screening becomes more difficult, there are more tissue glands and less fatty tissue.

Menstruation- Early onset of menstruation before the age of 12 and menopause after 55 increases the risk for breast tissue exposed to with more hormonal cycle. For the same reason, do not have or have had a child after age 30 and breastfeeding less than a year could also means more estrogen and progesterone exposure in breast tissue which further increases the risk.

Radiation- Exposed chest radiation for other conditions such as lymphoma and certain cancers at a young age.

DES- Women who is given DES during pregnancy and their daughter in the womb have a higher risk for exposed breast cancer cause gene mutation in another day.

Controversy about Oral Contraceptives

There are some problems that affect lifestyle exposed to risks of cancer in the breast tissue. There is a slight increased risk for women who have been using oral contraceptives for several years although this risk decreases when the OCP is stopped and continued to decline.

Controversy about Combined HRT

The combined HRT has been shown in studies to increase a little the risk of cancer in the breast tissue after 2 years of use. This risk is rather weakened when the estrogen used alone, without progesterone.

Controversy about Alcohol

Drinking more than 7 drinks per day alcohol can also increase the risk of breast cancer, this risk can be as much as 3 times larger than normal if 2-5 drinks per day are consumed on a regular basis.


Have one or more risk factors above are by no means you will get cancer, it simply reflects the higher risk. Lifestyle changes can help you to reduce those risks. In many cases, if cancer diagnosis can be known in early, and then treatment will have a longer time and are very effective. The research will finds new factors that can affect the occurrence and growth of breast cancer, which can and will open up a new form of better therapy.

Have risk factors above and unhealthy lifestyle can be a potential for the development of cancer, hopefully the above information will help you to reduce the risk of cancers that occur on your breasts. There are also many other health benefits for a healthy lifestyle, not just the prevention of cancer. Heart health and bone health are also accomplished with a healthy diet, exercise, avoid smoking and limiting alcohol.



Eleven Must Take Actions For Stage 4 Cancer Including Stage 4 Breast Cancer And Stage 4 Prostate Cancer With Immunotherapy - Health

==> Step One:

==> The shock of being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer or stage 4 prostate cancer

The first critical step is to realize that you are not alone. We are aware that this is a difficult time for you and your loved ones and that you likely have many questions. Developing a support team is paramount - one that is rich with love, support, good spirits, and a willingness to establish and implement a definitive plan to help you reach your ultimate goal. Have faith and never relinquish hope ... there are many who have stood in your shoes who are now in remission or completely cancer free who have battled all cancer stages including stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer.

==> Step Two:

==> What is the difference between the mindset of patients that do well and those that struggle with Stage 4 Cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer?

Virtually any doctor will tell you that your mindset alone, one that purports a positive attitude and a focused attitude towards healing, is your most powerful ally. No matter what your Faith, never overlook the power of prayer and trust in God - results show He is in the business of healing. Most Stage 4 cancer patients need strengthen for the journey men with stage 4 prostate cancer and woman with stage 4 breast cancer.

==> Step Three:

==> Decisions must be made on surgery, chemotherapy and radiation Not Easy with Stage 4 Cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer.

Conventionally speaking, these "proven methods" are consider the best options to fight cancer. That being said, they can be harmful. Keep in mind, the most dangerous of side effects come from chemotherapeutic drugs. And in many cases, the treatments can bring about problems greater than the cancer itself. That is not to say to condemn such approaches coming out of the gate, rather, we recommend a balanced plan that will fight the cancer buy minimize damage to the body. Review Envita's Cancer Statistics article and discover the myriad treatment options that can really make a difference for most all stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer.

==> Step Four:

==> With chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, you must anticipate the harmful side effects in Stage 4 Cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer.

Chemotherapy and radiation have many harmful side effects ranging from GI bleeding and nausea to the development of additional cancer. One can expect a prolific depletion in important nutrients that normally would serve to heal the body and are critical for daily functionality. One may also experience side effects meaning the increases of the body's toxic load and stress on critical organs like the liver and kidneys. Patients often experience major health decline when limiting treatment to just chemotherapy and radiation. Some patients can see tremendous downfalls in their health and have a very difficult time recovering. Unfortunately, traditional medicine sees these side effects as being tolerable and acceptable. With a more balanced approach, one that includes significant alternative medicine complements, patients may see a stunning benefit from added therapies like intravenously administered high dose Vitamin C. Stage 4 cancer patients including stage 4 prostate and st age 4 breast cancer patients usually have numerous side effects that need healing.

==> Step Five:

==> Implement a plan that will help chemotherapy and radiation work more effectively, help reduce side effects, and support the body to more aggressively target Stage 4 cancer cells.

Are you aware that some stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients respond better to chemotherapy and radiation? Research shows that patients with strong immune system and a healthy number of important immunological markers, will respond better to chemotherapy and radiation. At Envita, our therapeutic treatments work to improve the immune system, boost the body's energy, and improve elimination of toxins to help your body fight cancer.

==> Step Six:

==> Understanding nutritional support for Stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast and stage 4 prostate cancer patients.

Patients cannot take oral vitamins from health food stores and diet plans from nutritionists and consider this effective for replenishing nutritional deficiencies in cancer. When given at therapeutic dosages, the body cannot absorb nutrients from the intestinal lining. The GI lining for stage 4 cancer patients, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer becomes impaired because of radiation, chemotherapy or just the progression of the cancer. Furthermore, nutrition provided intravenously has much greater therapeutic benefits. At Envita, our experience has been that patients using intravenous therapies heal faster, respond better to chemotherapy and radiation and look healthier. Our patients can experience a better quality of life.

==> Step Seven:

==> Understanding the power of the immunotherapy for the fight against stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer.

Admittedly, nutritional therapy alone will not do the job. However, treatments that are implemented to bolster the immune system coupled with a powerful and targeted cancer elimination therapy are invaluable tools. It should be pointed out that people develop cancer cells every day, yet those with healthy immune systems eliminate them just as fast. Envita incorporates proven immunotherapy treatments from around the world to aid your immune system in its battle against cancer. Natural killer cell (NK) treatment is one powerful method by which to bolster immune function and introduce powerful immunotherapy that is targeted.

==> Step Eight:

==> What happens when patients are not responding to "proven methods" of care (chemotherapy and radiation)? Not uncommon in stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast and stage 4 prostate cancer patients.

At Envita, we have found that balancing immunomolecular markers in the immune system via immunotherapy, administering critical nutrients at therapeutic dosages, and promoting strong detoxification methods help all patients -particularly those who are not responding to "proven methods" of care. Envita prides ourselves in providing much-needed advantages in the fight against cancer including Genetic Molecular profiling with immunotherapy directed approaches.

==> Step Nine:

==> What are the reasons for recurring cancers, new cancers, and falling out of remission? Onset of Stage 4 Cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer

Proven care methods including chemo and radiation never address the actual cause - the reason why the cancer developed in the first place. As each person is different, Envita recognizes the importance of customized treatment such as immunotherapy. We carefully identify each individual's chemical carcinogens, cancer-causing toxins, family history, genetic profile, immune weaknesses, and nutritional deficiencies - all critical components to helping patients achieve their short- and long-term goals ... while improving their quality of life in the immediate. It is a travesty to overlook the importance of understanding stage 4 cancer causatives and not taking the measures necessary to remove them from the body.

==> Step Ten:

==> What your oncologists might think of your treatment strategy, alternatives for stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer,

Some western-trained oncologist and general practitioners are trained to react negatively to natural medicine. Do not let this deter you. As a patient, you should recognize that supportive cancer care is critical to achieving desired, long-term benefits. Negative reactions often originate from unsubstantiated claims of unqualified natural medicine enthusiasts. These individuals and entities have unwittingly made physicians reluctant to consider natural medicine support. And truthfully, not all natural medical centers are equal. Envita provides therapies that are rational, well-supported by university-, hospital-, and clinically-derived scientific data, established by leading researchers and doctors from around the world. Our focuses on stage 4 cancers, stage 4 breast cancer, stage 4 prostate cancer and immunotherapy is unparalleled.

==> Step Eleven:

==> Why Envita is Important and critical for stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients.

Envita provides patients with state-of-the-art proprietary research-based treatments. Our Cancer Treatment Centers implement therapies with a focused team of physicians and medical staff who are trained to help you gain the advantages you deserve. Envita has helped many people who are alive today because of these strategies - all of whom agree that a comprehensive plan against cancer makes all the difference. We encourage you to call us with any questions or concerns that you might have. Keep in mind, not all patients respond the same to treatments and that individual results may vary. That being said, we are qualified and anxious to help you take the next step toward achieving optimum health. Experience our PPMR process today, and let us help create your ideal plan that will feature numerous options you never seen before including our immunotherapy priority methods.



Importance Of Breast Cancer Screening - Health - Cancer

Breast cancer is a common disease in many women nowadays, and statistics show that about twenty percent of the women over the age of twenty have breast cancer, and about five percent of those women will die because of it. As a woman gets older the chances of breast cancer increases, thus, increasing the need to get checked for it. It is said that all women, to a certain extent, have the possibility of acquiring breast cancer. Women who have a family background of cancer have even more chances of getting it. There are also lifestyle related factors that can determine ones chances of acquiring the deadly disease.

If you have cancer in the breast you don't have to fret since most women can beat it. If you are diagnosed with it in its early stages, and if it is treated the right way, you will surely be able to lead a healthy life after getting rid of it. However, in order to spot the problem you need to go for regular breast cancer screening. This is the best way to check if there are any changes in the breasts that can cause problems in the future. Breast screening consists of three things. First, there is the x-ray or the mammogram which is taken by the phycisian. Then there is the CBE or clinical breast examination which is carried out by a health care professional. The CBE is then followed by the SBE or self breast examination.

Every girl who has passed the age of twenty should go for breast screening. Women between the ages of twenty and forty must take the exam once every three years. Women above the age of forty must take the exam once every year. Women in their forties must take the mammogram every year since it is the best method for early detection. However, it is also said that a mammogram can miss certain cancers.

If you have a family history of breast cancer you need to take extra care and go for regular check-ups. A regular CBE is recommended. For those who do not have a history, a regular SBE is recommended.

Breast cancer screening can save your life since you will be able to detect a cancer in its early stages and take action to get rid of it. Take some time off your busy weekly schedule and pay a little attention to your health if you want to live a long and healthy life.



How to win with stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer, Included Essential Immunotherapy - Health - Cancer

The dismay of a stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer diagnosis

First, rejoice in the knowledge that you do not stand alone against this foe. We accept the premise that you have many questions, and completely understand that this is a dire time for you and family. It is so important to accept genuine support, elevate mood, foster spirituality, and formulate a detailed plan that will help you reach your goal. Refuse to abandon hope, mainly because there are patients in remission cancer free today, in all stages of cancers. Including stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer.

Step Two:

What is the definitive difference between the mindset of stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients that thrive and those that struggle?

Any member of the medical community will relate that a positive mind set, a focused attitude towards healing, hope, and spiritual inspiration remain critical in an effort to defeat chronic disease, especially cancer. Never overlook the immense power of prayer and trust in God, He is in the business of healing and providing important guided steps.

Step Three:

Decisions must be taken under advisement as one contemplates surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Important decisions for stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer

Typically, these are understood as the "ace methods" to abolish cancer. Nonetheless, each can be extremely harmful. Recognize that the most dangerous side effects of medications derive from chemotherapeutic drugs. In some cases, the selected treatments can be even worse than the condition. It is mandatory to develop a plan that specifies a balanced approach without harming and destroying the body. There are multiple things to digest prior to beginning any treatment. Meticulously review our Cancer Statistics for stage 4 cancer literature and learn about the treatment that incorporate a big difference.

Step Four:

In chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, you must anticipate harmful side effects. Common problems for stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients.

Chemotherapy and radiation deliver many harmful side effects that range from GI bleeding and nausea to developing cancer. The side effects commonly include tremendous depletion of nutrients that are needed for the body to heal and maintain normal function. Other side effects prompt increases of the toxic load of the body, as well as further implant stress on organs such as the liver and kidneys. Some stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer, stage 4 prostate cancer patients can document tremendous downfalls in their health and have a wretched recovery time when choosing only to augment chemotherapy and radiation. Unfortunately, in traditional medicine, the side effects of these methods are universally considered to be tolerable and acceptable. Numerous natural intravenous treatments such as high dose Vitamin C can truly succeed here.

Step Five:

Design a plan that will allow chemotherapy and radiation to work more effectively, help limit side effects, and support the body to effectively target stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer cells.

Have you pondered why some patients have a heightened response to chemotherapy and radiation more so than others? Recent findings have revealed that if a patient possesses a strong immune system, with a healthy number of immunological markers, he/she respond infinitely better to both chemotherapy and radiation. At Envita, our proprietary therapeutic treatments endeavor to enhance the immune system via immunotherapy, boost energy, stimulate elimination of toxins and help the body do battle with cancer.All an absolute must for stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients.

Step Six:

Understanding nutritional support for stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast and stage 4 prostate cancer patients.

Patients cannot expect oral vitamins purchased at health food stores or diets formulated by nutritionists as an effective strategy for replenishing nutritional deficiencies in cancer. When issued for patients at seemingly therapeutic dosages, the body cannot and will not absorb nutrients from the intestinal lining. The GI lining for cancer patients becomes dramatically impaired due to radiation, chemotherapy or just undeniable progression of the cancer. In summation, nutrition provided intravenously derives superior therapeutic benefit. At Envita, all experience indicates that patients in receipt of intravenous therapies heal at a faster rate, respond better to chemotherapy and radiation and appear more vital. Our stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients can undoubtedly benefit from an improved quality of life.

Step Seven:

Understanding the power of the immunotherapy for the bout against stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer.

Nutritional therapy alone is pointedly insufficient. Treatments must be implemented to target the immune system in an effort to obliterate errant cells. Our personal immune system is the strongest weapon we have to fight cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation systematically destroy our immune system. People develop cancer cells on a daily basis. A healthy immune system eliminates the cancer cells. Envita has incorporated powerful immunotherapies worldwide to help the immune system fight cancer. Envita Natural Killer Cell Treatment is a very robust priority immunotherapy and a direct way to engage the immune system go after hidden cancer cells.

Step Eight:

What happens when patients are not responding to "preferable methods" of care (chemotherapy and radiation)? All too common for stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients.

At Envita, we agree that balancing immunomolecular markers in the immune system with immunotherapy, providing powerful supplementation of nutrients at therapeutic dosages and stimulating strong detoxification of chemical carcinogens energize patients who are not responding to so-called proven/preferable methods of care. Envita gives our patients a much-needed advantage in the fight against stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer. One example is our Genetic Molecular profiling that helps patients know what treatment can work for them.

Step Nine:

What are the triggers for patients that suffer recurring cancers, stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer or face new cancers after they have "fallen" out of remission?

The proven methods of care, chemotherapy and radiation, never address the cancer's catalyst or cause. Envita recognizes that each person is unique and every case is characteristically different. Even two persons with the same cancer will receive a customized treatment plan. Envita isolates chemical carcinogens, toxins that cause cancer, family history, genetics, weaknesses in the immune system, and nutritional deficiencies. These are all critical variables in helping our stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients attain their agenda for long-term benefits. Beneficial to ascertain what causes cancer and to delete rogue cells out from the body.

Step Ten:

What your oncologists might think of your treatment strategy.

A relative majority of oncologists and/or general physicians will often react negatively when they are apprised of a patient's decision to choose natural medicine. As said patient, you should recognize that supportive cancer care is critical and necessary to enjoy long-term benefits. The negative reactions arise from the unsubstantiated claims of sub-qualified natural medicine enthusiasts. Such claims have made many specialists wary of natural medicine support. Not all natural medical centers are inherently equal. Envita provides therapies that are rational and erstwhile supported by data from scientific research conducted in universities, clinics and hospitals throughout the world. Envita excels in helping stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast and stage 4 prostate cancer patients with world class treatments like immunotherapy.

Step Eleven:

Why Envita has the Edge in stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer

Envita provides patients with cutting-edge, proprietary, research-based treatments - administered to patients by a highly trained team of physicians and medics to provide utmost advantage in stage 4 cancer treatment. It is prudent for a patient to have a definitive strategy to fight their cancer. Our patients who are alive today basically due to these strategies agree that a comprehensive plan against cancer warrants considerable difference. We definitely encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Imperative to understand that not all patients respond identically to treatments and that individual results may vary. We are available to assist as you take your next step on a journey toward optimal health. Visit our PPMR process to orchestrate a stellar plan.



Healing for Stage 4 Cancer, Stage 4 breast cancer, Stage 4 prostate cancer with directed steps and immunotherapy - Health - Cancer

Step One:

The shock of being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer.

Once diagnosed, it is critically important to realize you are not isolated or alone. You and your loved ones will certainly have questions and we implore you to develop a support team right off the bat - a close-knit group of family and friends who can share love, support, positive energy, and a willingness to work towards implementing a focused and committed plan to rediscover total health. Never lose faith or abandon hope, there are many in remission or completely cancer free who have beaten cancers of all stages including stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer.

Step Two:

What is the difference between the mindset of patients that do well and those that struggle with stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer?

Most doctors agree that maintaining a positive mindset is paramount to healing. And, no matter what your Faith or belief system, never overlook the power of prayer and trust in God - there is no substitute for the strength it gives. Including helping direct the correct steps and achieving the best outcome.

Step Three:

Decisions must be made on surgery, chemotherapy and radiation Essential for stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients. Conventionally speaking, these "proven methods" are considered among the best options to fight cancer.

Factually speaking, they can be downright dangerous. Oftentimes chemotherapy drugs can conjure worse effects on the body than the cancer the patient is battling. Now, we are certainly not saying to condemn such treatment options approaches in the beginning; rather, we recommend a balanced plan that aggressively fights the stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer yet minimizes bodily damage via targeting and immunotherapy additions. Envita's article on stage 4 Cancer Statistics will help you understand available treatment options and consider which might best suit your action plan.

Step Four:

With chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, you must anticipate harmful side effects. Stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients usually quite aware of this but do not know how to combat it.

Chemotherapy and radiation deliver many harmful side effects that range from GI bleeding and nausea to developing cancer. The side effects commonly include tremendous depletion of nutrients that are needed for the body to heal and maintain normal function. Other side effects prompt increases of the toxic load of the body, as well as further implant stress on organs such as the liver and kidneys. Some patients can document tremendous downfalls in their health and have a wretched recovery time when choosing only to augment chemotherapy and radiation. Unfortunately, in traditional medicine, the side effects of these methods are universally considered to be tolerable and acceptable. Numerous natural intravenous treatments such as high dose Vitamin C can truly succeed here.

Step Five:

Implement a plan that will help chemotherapy and radiation work more effectively, help reduce side effects, and support the body to more aggressively target stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer cells.

Are you aware that some patients respond better to chemotherapy and radiation? Research shows that patients with strong immune system via immunotherapy and a healthy number of important immunological markers, will respond better to chemotherapy and radiation. At Envita, our therapeutic treatments work to improve the immune system, boost the body's energy, and improve elimination of toxins to help your body fight stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer.

Step Six:

Understanding nutritional support for stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients.

Have you wondered why some patients respond better to chemotherapy and radiation than others? Recent research has shown that if a patient presents with a strong immune system, harboring a healthy number of immunological markers, they respond significantly better to chemotherapy and radiation. At Envita, our therapeutic treatments strive to improve the immune system via immunotherapy, boost energy, improve elimination of toxins and help your body battle stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer.

Step Seven:

Understanding the power of the immunotherapy for the fight against stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer.

Admittedly, nutritional therapy alone will not do the job. However, treatments that are implemented to bolster the immune system coupled with a powerful and targeted cancer elimination therapy are invaluable tools. It should be pointed out that people develop cancer cells every day, yet those with healthy immune systems eliminate them just as fast. Envita incorporates proven immunotherapy treatments from around the world to aid your immune system in its battle against cancer. Natural killer cell (NK) treatment is one powerful priority immunotherapy method by which to bolster immune function. Important step for stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients.

Step Eight:

What happens when patients are not responding to "proven methods" of care (chemotherapy and radiation)? All too common for stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients.

At Envita, we have found that balancing immunomolecular markers in the immune system, administering critical nutrients at therapeutic dosages, and promoting strong detoxification methods help all patients -particularly those who are not responding to "proven methods" of care. Envita prides ourselves in providing much-needed advantages in the fight against cancer including Genetic Molecular profiling and targeted immunotherapy techniques unique to our centers.

Step Nine:

What are the reasons for recurring cancers, stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer or new cancers, and falling out of remission?

Proven care methods including chemo and radiation never address the actual cause - the reason why the cancer developed in the first place. As each person is different, Envita recognizes the importance of customized treatment and immunotherapy missing from all major cancer treatments. To do so, we isolate chemical carcinogens, toxins that cause cancer, family history, genetics, weaknesses in the immune system, and nutritional deficiencies. These are all critical variables in helping our patients attain their agenda for long-term benefits. Beneficial to ascertain what causes stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer and to delete rogue cells from the body.

Step Ten:

What your oncologists might think of your treatment strategy.

Some western-trained oncologist and general practitioners are trained to react negatively to natural medicine. Do not let this deter you. As a patient, you should recognize that supportive cancer care is critical to achieving desired, long-term benefits. It is important to realize however, not all natural medical centers are inherently equal. Envita provides therapies that are rational and erstwhile supported by scientific data derived from top research facilities conducted around the world. Stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer have horrific results in traditional oncology and for a good reason, they do not use the needed comprehensive approach.

Step Eleven:

Why Envita is Important for stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer patients.

Envita provides patients with state-of-the-art proprietary research-based treatments. Our Cancer Treatment Centers implement therapies with a focused team of physicians and medical staff who are trained to help you gain the advantages you deserve. Envita has helped many people who are alive today because of these strategies - all of whom agree that a comprehensive plan against stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer makes all the difference. We encourage you to call us with any questions or concerns that you might have. Keep in mind, not all patients respond the same to treatments and that individual results may vary. That being said, we are qualified and anxious to help you take the next step toward achieving optimum health. Experience our PPMR process today, and let us help create your ideal plan with unique powerful immunotherapies to help you.



Rabu, 25 April 2012

Breast Exercises For Women After Breast Cancer Surgery - Health - Fitness

The most effective way to get back to being able to perform your normal everyday activities after breast cancer surgery is to increase your endurance and strengthen your body. This is why breast exercises for women that have had this kind of surgery is a must. You will certainly want to consult your doctor before beginning any exercise routine, and he or she will more than likely recommend that you do exercise.

Anybody that has went through surgery as a result of breast cancer can definitely benefit from exercise. It doesn't matter if the surgery was to remove cancerous lumps or the entire breast, rehabilitation exercises are a must. By performing exercises that involve your arm and chest muscles on a regular basis, you will be reducing joint stiffness, promoting blood flow and softening and stretching scar tissue which all help with the healing process. Radiation treatment can also affect the arm and shoulder near the surgery site for many months after the surgery that exercise can help alleviate.

I must stress the importance of consulting your doctor before beginning any exercise regiment. This way he or she can evaluate your condition to determine if you're ready for exercise. If you haven't gained full use of the affected arm a few weeks after surgery, your doctor will probably refer you to a physical or occupational therapist.

Your post surgery exercises should begin basic and gradually increase difficulty. Doctors and therapists also recommend that you try to do many of your everyday tasks using the affected arm. These include things such as brushing your teeth and hair, getting dressed and other light-duty tasks. One light exercise that's often recommended is to put your arm on an elevated pillow for 45 intervals 2 or 3 times a day. Range-of-motion exercises are also very beneficial after surgery. These exercises include flexing you hand, forearm and elbow. You should be able to move on to more advanced stretches and exercises 3 weeks after you surgery.

You will also benefit fro an exercise DVD that focuses on exercises that are specifically designed for people that have had breast cancer surgery. There's not a whole lot of DVDs out there with the sole purpose of rehabilitating breast cancer patients, but there are a few, and one that I've heard good things about is called:

Breast Cancer Survivor: Focus on Healing

The main focus of this video is to aid people that are recovering from breast cancer surgery. It accomplishes this through the use of gentle exercises that include stretching, toning and movement exercises that are all performed by breast cancer survivors in this video. They use the "Lebod Method" which increases your flexibility, extends your range of motion and helps improve your self image. The video plays soothing classical music as you learn deep breathing exercises and move on to upper body stretches using rhythmic, flowing motions. You will then progress to hand relaxation exercises, arm swings, walking steps and easy dance steps. Modifications to the exercises are included if you would prefer to sit while exercising.

You can also Google "breast cancer exercise videos". This will bring up a lot of videos that you can view from your computer. Another way to get some free videos that you can view from your computer is to go to YouTube which has a fair amount of them as well.





Selasa, 24 April 2012

Breast cancer awareness site can be a great help to you - Advertising

The women have to be very much circumspect about their health as they are the key figure of the entire family. Constantly consulting the doctor to ensure that you are on the right track should be the key for the women. Breast cancer should be identified at an initial stage otherwise it can really be very much damaging. As they often say that nip the evil in the bud, same is the case when you talk about the breast cancer. Many women are still ignorant about this problem and rate this as a minute problem. Health is the factor that should not be taken for granted and you have to look to remain in the best of health. If you sense any unusual activity in your body then you should go for the services of the doctor at the earliest. Breast cancer awareness site helps you to ensure the effected ones that they are not alone by providing them with various accessories of pink color. There are various factors that a woman should keep in mind to stay away from breast cancer. Optimistic ApproachFirstly an optimistic approach can set the ball rolling for you and you can live with a peace of mind. If you have in mind the negative aspects and such stuff then you may encounter the problem. So, to remain healthy, you have to have a positive attitude towards life that can pay you huge dividends. This may seem to very much theoretical rather than practical, but studies have revealed that there is a strong bond between the optimistic approach and the immune system of the body. And guess what, this relation between the two factors is positively proportional to each other. You also need to check out the breast cancer awareness site that has many new and unique products in offer for you.ExerciseThis is the favorite prescription of the doctors and one may think that why do doctors always tell us to go through a proper exercise plan? The answer to such a question is simple. The exercise gets the blood pumpin g in the body and the circulation of the blood to the mind and body is being done in a precise manner. So, this makes this factor highly beneficial to fight or to stay away from breast cancer. You should go for the products of the breast cancer awareness site to let other women know about the problem by making awareness. DietDiet is one of the major factors that should be worked up on if you are to remain healthy. It becomes a pre-requisite for the women to eat healthy in order to remain healthy. This can help the women to fight all the odds that may come their way. So, diet is something that should not be taken for granted. You have to stand against the breast cancer and for that you should go for the pink ribbon shop to show the world that you are eager and willing to fight the disease.
